Travel Links

Safety & Advice
Travel Logs

Nomad Mania
This travel-ranking site does an excellent job diving the world into more than 1,280 regions, providing a more accurate representation of travel than similar sites.

Most Traveled People
MTP (Most Traveled People) is a club for travelers who aspire to go "everywhere.

Flight Memory
Flight Memory enables you to easily keep track of where you have flown and then easily produce maps showing your flight routes.


OpenFlights is a tool that lets you map your flights around the world, search and filter them in all sorts of interesting ways, calculate statistics automatically, and share your flights and trips with friends and the entire world (if you wish).

Diviac dive logs
Diviac, which stands for Dive Maniac, is a digital social dive logbook.

Travelers’ Century ClubThe Travelers’ Century Club
Membership in the Travelers’ Century Club (TCC) is limited to those travelers who have visited one hundred or more countries of the world.

Traveler’s Exploits Club – Travel Lover’s Cenacle
A list of 222 traveler’s exploits that embrace the many different countries, celebrations, customs and cuisines of the world.


Lonely Planet
Between the 1980s through the 2000s, many folks on the travel circuit referred to the Lonely Planet in their hand as the Bible. The guides weren’t perfect, the maps were often terrible, but the humor and magical places these guides suggested by far made up for any issues. These days Lonely Planet is still an excellent choice for a more objective take on things to do and places to stay than what you will find anywhere online. What’s on your planet this week?

links/rough_guide_animatedRough Guides
The Rough Guide to Kenya, 5th edition by Richard Trillo, literally changed my life. A German chap named Mark lent it to my one evening in Gondar, Ethiopia. At the time I was mulling the decision to hop a dhow for Yemen, a journey I had planned for months, or continuing an unplanned journing south through Sub-Saharan Africa. Reading the chapters on Kenya, and in particular, learning about the people and wilflife, convinced me to continue on my unplanned Africa journey. I spent the next 10 months in Africa and met some amazing people and saw some breathtaking sites. My life was chnaged. Other than Kenya, Rough Guides provide travel information on destinations worldwide.

links/bradt_eritreaBradt Guides
We used the Bradt Guide to Eritrea 2nd edition, by Edward Paice, for our tour of Eritrea in 1998. It was the only full guidebook on Eritrea at the time. I came to the conclusion that if a Bradt guide is your only choice, then you know you are off-the-beaten-track in what is likely a gorgeous country with emerging tourism. In other words, congratulations, you got there before everyone else!

links/trailblazerTrailblazer Guides
Route guides for the adventurous traveler. The most extreme of the guides, and a personal favorite, Trailblazers will literally take you where no one else (but a local) can. I sometimes read thiese guides like novels, even if I am not planning to visit.

links/footprintFootprint Travel Guides
Probably your best for South America, this guide was first published in 1924 and is the longest running travel guide in the English language.

links/blue_guidesBlue Guides
With their special focus on art, architecture, and history, Blue Guides offer a unique combination of the historic and cultural overview and in-depth and up-to-date scholarship, accessibly presented, on its sights and sites.

links/moonMoon Guides
Caring books for great destinations, and a neat Web site, too.

links/sahara_overlandSahara Overland
Slightly out of date, but this is still the ultimate, legacy trans-Saharan guidebook. Don’t leave home without it.

A guide to written language. This amazing site has samples of (almost) every written script you will encounter from around the world.

Internet Resources

links/unescoUNESCO - World Heritage SitesMy Visits
The World Heritage mission seeks to protect and preserve the cultural and natural relics of our world. To date, 812 extraordinary properties fall under the protection of World Heritage so future generations can inherit the treasures of the past.

links/seat_61The Man in Seat Sixty-One…
This Web site will tell you how to travel comfortably by train and ship for many journeys where you might think that air was now the only option.

Couch Surfing Project
Meet and possibly stay with other travelers in places all over the world.

Provides on-line confirmed bookings for hostels and budget accommodation all over the world.
All you need to know about the Trans-Siberian Railway and more.

links/thorn_treeThorn Tree
Excellent source of popular information and misinformation. Post at your own risk. Personally, I have found invaluable info here; but I have also had it with the righteous crew. You’ll see. My User Profile

Traveler’s tech site. Excellent resource for electric conversion, online banking security, film safety, etc.

links/travel_talk_onlineTravel Talk OnLine
Outstanding message board on travel throughout the Caribbean. Includes forums, classifieds, trip reports, hurricane info, and current events.

links/arunachalArunachal Tourism
Arunachal Pradesh, a mysterious, magical and mystical land tucked away in the north eastern tip of India.

Travel Journeys

Round the World on a Harley-Davidson
Peter and Kay Forwood’s outstanding adventure on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. Their Harley-Davidson motorcycle became the first and only vehicle to have been ridden in all the 193 internationally recognised countries of the world that existed at that time. My vote for the most traveled people on Earth.

Cape to Cape Expedition
Journey from the Cape Horn, Chile to the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa.

links/hujambo_africaHujambo Africa
Fun Web site that follows Jacqui, Andrew and Punda’s 18 month trip around Africa.

links/overexOverland Explorers
Quintessential overland expeditions.

The Kingsmills’ Overland Adventures
Trans-African photojournal Web site.

Photography Links

The world’s first virtual game drive in Africa.
